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In order to meet the briefing, it was developed a board game for children and adolescents that are in the middle school and high school, and the main objective it is a game to feed the knowledge, stimulate creativity in developing a better strategy and a game that seeks ambition to win through resolutions of issues.
This board game consist in a board similar to an island, where each hexagon in the board is a square of the board, which can be putted their pawns or bonus, and each player aims to dominate the largest number of houses, by advancing in the board and combating, where the player has to resolve a question on a subject already studied to move forward. The main idea of the game, he is open to the achievement of questions related to the subject studied in class, where the child or young person can play the game in a way to study and entertain in a subject that has difficulty.


Canu Cover.

Group Project​​


'Canu Cover' is a device made to cover the cannula (the needle that is inserted into a patients vein, usually in the arm or hand,to allow an intravenous drip to be fed directly to the patient) when undergoing treatment within hospitals and care facilities. The maximum amount of time a cannula is to be positioned in a patient is 72 hours, the Canu cover is to remain in place for this duration. The top and bottom of the cover is elasticated, this allows the device to be expanded carefully over the cannula. As the top of the 'Cannula Cover' is being stretched over the arm, the cannula can be attached through the water proof attachment located at the center of the cover. The device can then be attached to an IV drip.


website for the product.

Dublin bus project.

Group Project​​

A new proposal for a bus to the city of Dublin, showing the potential of the use of design in the city.

Nokia Glass


For this project, the brief was to design a mobile phone for Nokia. Where it could entirely re-imagine the mobile phone considering new technology or you may do a re-design based upon current versions/ technology. According to Jonathan Ive talking about the iPhone in Objectified “Everything defers to the screen”. It should consider and show user interaction and some level of interface design. 

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